In-Person Meeting Guidelines

Guidlines For Re-opening Public Meetings:

CCC Guidelines & Precautions:

1.  Physical Contact:  Greeting time will be non-contact unless the other person gives you permission to shake hands, hug etc.  Please ask others first before making any contact and please respect everyone's personal boundaries for physical contact  

2.  Guidelines for coming to meetings:  Please sanitize your hands before coming to worship services!  We will request that everyone who sneezes, coughs, to do so into their arms or hands and then immediately proceed to the restroom to sanitize their hands by washing their hands in soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.  Please bring a bottle of hand sanitizer with you.  If you are sick, please stay home!  Should anyone ever test positive for Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone with Covid-19, they must remain at home (including their whole household) for at least 14 days.  If you unusually have the following symptoms you may have Covid-19: cough, shortness of breathe or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell.  Please stay home and get tested!  It is very important that we are all transparent about our own Covid-19 testing!

3.  Classroom Guidelines:  All volunteers and teachers must sanitize their hands before entering the classroom. Also, teachers must have the children and youth sanitize their hands upon entering and before leaving the classroom and the children will be asked to sit apart from one another (larger rooms should be used to create social distancing).  All nursery workers must wear a mask.  We kindly ask that all parents or guardians to instruct their children to not touch other children or adults.  We also ask that all teachers and volunteers in each classroom wipe down and spray all door knobs, tables and chairs after each meeting.  Please Note:  If you do not want your children participating in any of the ministries please feel free to keep them in the sanctuary with you.  We advise all parents to use their own discretion.

4.  Seating:  We ask everyone to sit at least a row apart in the sanctuary and to arrange seating in all meetings (including children and youth ministries) in family clusters at least 6 feet apart. If there are too many people within a specific room to facilitate proper social distancing, the Elders and/or classroom teachers and volunteers will divide the group and separate them into other rooms based on their discretion at the time.

5.  Cleaning:  Every week the janitor will wipe down and sanitize every door knob in the building as well as the regular cleaning duties.  We will attempt to provide sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels and a disinfectant spray in every room in the building. 

6.  Food Prep:  When food preparation begins, all those preparing and setting out food will be required to properly sanitize their hands and avoid touching their face through-out the whole process.  This will apply to preparing food in your home or at the church building.

Final Note:  We realize that some of you may still not be going out to stores or to work.  With that said, if you are still uncomfortable coming to Church meetings we encourage you to remain consistent with your personal precautions and stay home.  Please exercise your own discernment!!  The Sunday sermon and a portion of the music will still be broadcasted on Facebook Live.


In Person Worship Meeting Beginning Sunday January 17th, 2021:

Sunday @ 10:45am - Please join us in person at 733 Rocky Step Road; Scott Depot, WV


In Person Wednesday Family Night Will Begin January 20th, 2021:

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm - Please join us in person at 733 Rocky Step Road; Scott Depot, WV


Online Worship Meetings Information:

Please join us On Sundays at 10:45am on FACEBOOK LIVE until January 10th. We will resume in-person services again on January 17th!


If you will be joining us online on or after January 17th, please connect on our FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:15am for the worship music and sermon portion of our service.  

(Please note: Although the in person service will begin at 10:45am we will be starting the online broadcast at 11:15am part way through the service.)